The Colorado Ice Soccer Club competitive Game Uniform Kit consists of the following:
Hummel Jersey (1 Blue and 1 White)
Hummel Short (1 Blue)
Hummel Sock (1 Blue and 1 White)
The Game Uniform Kit cost is $125 and includes logo's and numbering. The above package is mandatory for any new player to the Colorado Ice competitive program. Colorado Ice guarantees each team 2 years in a given uniform before they must buy a new uniform package. Teams go into a new uniform at U11, U13 and U15
The Colorado Ice Soccer Club Training Kit consists of the following:
Hummel grey short sleeve jersey
Hummel black long sleeve jersey
Hummel black short
Hummel black socks
The Training Kit cost is $75 (includes logo and numbering) and is mandatory for all competitive players.
Optional uniform items:
Hummel warmup jacket $60
Hummel warmup pants $40
Hummel Backpack $50