"We are excited that you are considering Colorado Ice Soccer for your child's soccer experience and we look forward to working with your family for years to come. "- Charles Huntsman, Vice President, Micro Programs
Colorado Ice Soccer takes great pride in our soccer programs and works towards ensuring your child has a great experience. Micro is an opportunity for kids to grow and continue in their soccer career as they move into the developmental and competitive levels Colorado Ice Soccer offers.
Micro soccer provides players an opportunity to:
Participate in a healthy recreational activity
Make new friends and be part of a team
Learn about fair play and sportsmanship
Get an introduction into the world's most popular sport
Micro soccer is the introduction to playing soccer and is for kids 3-6 years old (U4 through U7). The "U" stands for "under". We form teams based on birth years
Player Equipment: At the Micro level, each player should own a size 3 ball and bring it to every practice. Shin guards are mandatory as are athletic shoes or soft cleated soccer shoes. Dress for physical activity (no jeans). Bring warm clothes and water bottle to practices and games.
Players with birth date 1/1/2021-12/31/2021 are eligible to play in the U4 age group
U4 Info: Players come out to sessions that are run in a camp like atmosphere in the late afternoon/early evening (day to be determined) Fun games are used to teach fundamental skills. Co-ed games are overseen by an adult Colorado Ice coach working with volunteer coaches to ensure a great experience. All the parents have to do is enjoy watching their child have a great time!
Player Equipment: At the Micro level, each player should own a size 3 ball and bring it to every practice. Shin guards are mandatory as are athletic shoes. Dress for physical activity (no jeans). Bring warm clothes and water bottle to each session.
Cost: $70 per season
Practices can be anytime from 4pm to 7pm Monday through Friday and games on Saturdays can be anytime between 9am and 4pm. Most practices and all games are held at Golden Heights Park.
We rely on volunteer coaches for our Micro teams. Each team needs at least one parent to coach. Please consider volunteering for this position when you register online.
Thinking of Coaching? Our Micro soccer program relies on volunteer coaches. A good, responsible coach is the most important person for a successful and positive experience. Practice times can be scheduled at the coach's convenience after the workday. Level of experience doesn't matter, as it's a simple, wonderful game. Colorado Ice provides rules and procedures, easy to follow practice plans, coaching clinics and practice equipment. The Colorado Ice professional club coach is also always available to answer any questions.
Parents: A fun, positive experience for the players depends on parents getting involved and helping out. Duties include: assistant coach, phone caller, snack/drink coordinator and party/special events person. In addition, there is a constant need of parent referees.
Team Formation: Many factors are considered when forming teams. Every attempt to honor special requests is made, but team placement cannot be guaranteed. Players are placed by the area in which they live thereby encouraging early friendships with those they will go to school with. Teams are kept intact from season to season if numbers of returning players allows for it, if not then some combining of teams may have to take place.
Player Equipment: At the Micro level, each player should own a size 3 ball and bring it to every practice. Shin guards are mandatory as are athletic shoes. Dress for physical activity (no jeans). Bring warm clothes and water bottle to practices and games.
Players with birthdates 1/1/2020-12/31/2020 are eligible to play in the U5 age group
Players with birthdates 1/1/2019-12/31/2019 are eligible to play in the U6 age group
U5 and U6 Info:
At U5 and U6 we play 3v3 with team sizes of 5-7 players.
Teams practice once a week for one hour and games are on Saturdays. At this age, player development is key. While incorporating fun activities, coaches introduce and expand basic soccer skills including dribbling, passing, receiving, defending and the beginning of field positioning.
Once a season all Micro teams will have special skills session with Colorado Ice's Technical Director, Chris Edwinson.
Cost: $100 per season plus $45 uniform fee (required for all U5 players and any players new to the Ice program)
Player with birthdates 1/1/2018-12/31/2018 are eligible to play in the U7 age group
U7 Info:
At U7 we play 4v4 with team sizes from 6-9 players.
Teams practice once a week for one hour and games are on Saturdays. At this age, player development is key. While incorporating fun activities, coaches expand basic soccer skills including dribbling, passing, receiving, defending and the work more on field positioning.
Once a season all Micro teams will have special skills session with Colorado Ice's Technical Director, Chris Edwinson
Cost: $110 per season plus $45 uniform fee (required for any players new to the Ice program)